Special orders: Creativity for your individual needs

I love developing and implementing customized product ideas for my clients. Each commissioned work is a unique opportunity to realize creative visions while taking into account the specific requirements and wishes of the clients. Whether it is an exclusive interior and exterior design project or works of art that enrich the space and atmosphere of a company or event. For me there are no limits.

Some of my previous projects include:

- Large planters for an exclusive interior and exterior design company that are not only functional but also an aesthetic highlight for the space.

- Over 20 painted pianos that combine both musical and visual art and leave a lasting impression.

- Machine parts that are given a completely new perspective and meaning through creative design.

- Flag installation in a mall (theme: Düsseldorf is my life). The flags are up to 12 meters lomg

- XXL picture series, handpainted, on the theme of sports for a large fitness studio.

- An oversized glass surface of 350 ​​sqm that I painted for an opening ceremony to enrich the event atmosphere with a unique work of art.


Artworks in Action